Meet Caden Only: Breakthrough Artist

3 min readMar 16, 2021



I know how hard it is for ya’ll to get into a new artist. It’s an investment, I get it. Adding another artist to your playlists; finding them on social media; watching new music videos…

Dark Fam. Listen to Caden Only.

Trust us. It’s worth the investment.

Caden Only is the type of artist that’ll blow up faster than you can comment “First!” in the comment section.

He’s the type of artist that’ll blow up faster than you can say “Damn, I miss the old Caden…”

We listened to “Like a Fountain” and it’s...see for yourself.

Sometimes, you can very easily actually see the relentless drive in people…

Caden isn’t dropping fire tracks for the accolades or money (even though copping a Bentley truck is low-key goals).

It’s besides the point.

Caden Only is truly an authentic creator. He creates music for himself and for the people who fuck with him.

That’s it.

We got a chance to sit down with Caden and the kid is even cooler on paper: genuine as fuck.

Peep our interview:

Caden, tell us a little more about how you first got into music?

I got into writing when I was in middle school & then around 16 I started recording music more.

When I turned 20, I moved to Los Angeles & went to school for music engineering/production & finished when I was 24.

Then, I worked in a few studios as a temp for a couple years.

The LA experience really brought out a different side of me when it came to music.

I met a lot of people & learned a lot about the business, promotion side of music & just being a solid artist as a whole!

What does your creative process look like when it comes to making music?

Normally the process works itself out with writing or beat ideas.

I always try to write no matter where I am if I randomly think of something.

But when I’m in my studio, I lock in; whole different level of focus.

Turn my phone off, play all the beats I’ve made recently, drink coffee, tea, red bull.

Just get into my zone!

I always meditate for at least 30 minutes before recording & working in the studio.

What would you say to any aspiring artists who look up to your work?

Always stay authentic.

Be you, be confident, don’t worry about what others say or think!

People will always come up with something to say about you when you put yourself out there.

It’s jealousy & if you feed into it, it’ll destroy you.

I always like the saying “A lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinions of sheep”

I live by that.

Anything new or upcoming we can expect to see from you?

I always have new music on the way.

I just drop randomly & always have!

I say just always be on the look out for something new from me!

What is the most useless talent you have?

Probably saying the alphabet backwards.

What’s one of your biggest pet peeves?

When people are unoriginal!

If you could bring one social network back to life, what would be? (Vine or MySpace)?

I would bring back Myspace for sure! Just cause you could add a song to the page, theme, and stuff…

In-N-Out or Chik-Fil-A (settle this once and for all).

Chik-Fil-A by a long shot!

Follow Caden Only:




Written by Mojomora

Mojomora has interviewed high-profile verified celebrities including X-Factor Finalist Joey Djia, multi-millionaire Sean Kelly, & Dance Trainer Lexy Panterra.

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